Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I looked forward to Monday nights growing up. Grandma would come over for family night, dinner and she brought the ice cream. We would all wait impatiently looking out the window until we saw her blue Volvo and run outside to greet her.

Grandma was the champion tooth puller. If you had a loose tooth, she could get it out. Her hands were magic because it didn't even hurt!

She loved the piano. Her hands would roll across the keys and you could hardly see her fingers spread.

Grandma had rings on her fingers that had meaning. I would ask her about them each time I started to stare at them again. Her plump fingers kept them in place well.

She had stories. So many that you would never be bored. About our Cherokee ancestors, or near death experiences she had been through, or stories about us when we were small.

She had a charm chain that held her vest together. The charms were the ten commandments. I remember playing with them when I was little and she wore that thing until the day she had her stroke.

Grama Dotty... there are so many words for you. Feisty, funny, red lipstick, bling glasses, smiles, Christmas tinsel, Christmas mugs, Thanksgiving popcorn seeds, generous, fun, and loving.

I will miss you Grandma. I cannot imagine what it will be like to visit home without visiting you. But how sweet it was to see you a few weeks before you left. To hug you and sing to you one last time. Something I will treasure in my heart forever.
Love you Grama.

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