Friday, April 22, 2011

Because Finals are Done

Since finals are over for me (not for Sean but today, I made him pretend he is done with finals) we decided to spend some quality time together.
First, we went to the castle park. Had a great time.
Then, we went miniature golfing. Kayla doesn't really grasp how it's done, but she had a great time.
Finally, we went to Maverick, got drinks and candy bars and headed home.
Simple but fun.

Here are some of my favorite moments of the day:
Me: ew, the golf ball landed in stagnant water, gross.
Kayla (a while later): Ew, look mom, pregnant water.
Me: Laughed
Kayla: Just like you said mom, pregnant water.

Kayla: Mom and Dad I thought of perfect names for the babies.
Me: Oh really, what are they?
Kayla: Maylee and Kaylee.
Me: Oh those are nice, for boy names?
Kayla: Yeah mom, they're perfect.
Me: (just really glad she doesn't have the final say, the poor little guys)

1 comment:

Michele said...

so cute! glad your finals are over so you can relax a bit :). i'm jealous, looks like you went to cherry hill mini golf. we went there lots when we were younger! i love that place! haha.