Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The end of one thing. The beginning of another.

I just took finals for the semester (I still have one left, not a nursing class though)
As I take a good look at the semester, it seems like a blur.
Did it really just get over?
As I prepare to begin my very last semester, there is a lot I am thinking about.
I wonder if I will walk or waddle in to class.
I wonder if I will go in to labor before graduation.
I worry about being ready to take State Boards.
There is so much I think about, so much I worry about, and so much I look forward to.
So here's to the end of one good thing and the beginning of another.

Update on twins: had another ultrasound last week and everything looks good. No signs of twin to twin transfusion or any other complications. They are very active and my belly grows every day. I am 22 weeks along!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Last semester!? Yay! That is so exciting! Hopefully you can make it to graduation before those little guys make their appearance :)