Thursday, June 23, 2011

Entertainment at it's best.

Why do I have Kayla in dance?
Well, there are a few reasons. It's a structured learning environment. 
She learns great motor skills.
She learns to listen to a teacher. She loves the other girls in the class.
But okay, here is the real truth: twice per year, I get to watch her walk out on to a stage with her little curled hair bouncing. And then this. The above video is the REAL reason why I have her in dance. It's worth every bit of effort just to see her at the dance recital. 
She has stolen our hearts. Forever.


Dawn said...

Oh my goodness!!! So cute! I need a girl!

Hale-O There said...

I love her flying arms! Good luck with bedrest and I loved seeing your twins in belly form yesterday. So cute!