Tuesday, June 14, 2011

30 Week Photos (all self-takes)

 (Thanks to the timer setting on my D90. I will tell you, THAT was exhausting!)

I never thought 30 would be a very significant number. It was never my favorite number, I never had a highschool crush on a #30 football player, and turning 30 this year didn't really bother me.
Now, 30 is quite a significant number. Because yesterday, I turned 30 weeks pregnant with my twin boys.
As soon as the relief came, knowing that they would most likely be okay if they were born now, the questions and anxiety about delivery came.
Will twin A go head down or will I have to have a C-section?
Can I really handle two infants?
Will Kayla know I still love her?
How will I learn to nurse two babies at the same time?
Will Sean stay sane? Will I?
Will everything go okay during delivery?
Will these babies arrive alive and healthy?

It seems like it would be so easy just to let go of this anxiety but I do believe it just comes with carrying twins. I strive to stay positive every day, to leave it in God's hands. So far, leaving it in His hands has proven to be effective. He has taken very good care of these babies.


Sarie said...

These are BEAUTIFUL! The first one's my favorite. Your neck and hair and everything looks SO beautiful. You have a pretty shape, Hannie!

miriam said...

Those pictures are so awesome Hannah! I can't believe you did those yourself. If you put your timer on the 10 second timer and take some more pictures maybe you'll go into labor!! Kayla is going to be a great big sister.

Brittany said...

I love these! Make sure you take pictures beyond week 33 because I didn't and I really, really regret it. I guess I was just felt too big and ugly to care. :( I'm excited for you!

Angela Scott said...

Very beautiful pictures! Kayla will be wonderful and Yes, she will always know you love her. Juggling two babies--you and Sean will be fantastic. I can't imagine two better people/parents :)