Thursday, June 30, 2011

Growing as I say goodbye to June....

I really debated about this photo... I mean look at my hair, seriously. Oh well, I am sure you all understand. Let it be documented: 32 weeks and 4 days pregnant with twins.

It's been a week since I was placed on bedrest and the babies are doing great. I, on the other hand would describe bedrest as something very similar to incarceration. I seriously don't know how there are people who have to do this for months and months (I want to cry for you!)
My instructors at school are amazing. They are bringing the tests and quizzes to my house and just stay while I take them. I feel very undeserving of being in a nursing program with instructors and administration that are so supportive and all about me finishing!

As I looked at the calendar today, I realized that we are saying goodbye to June. With the end of June and the beginning of July at hand, it comes with a lot of different feelings for me. There is a really good possibility I could be welcoming two boys in to our family during July. When I first found out I was having twins, July seemed like a long way off. Time has flown and now it's here. At the very most, I have about 5 weeks left. It seems so strange and so close, yet I still worry that they will come too soon.
With all the wonderful advice and support I have felt from other twin moms, I still have a very strong feeling that I have no idea what I am about to face. I can't imagine the level of sleep deprivation. I can't imagine what it will be like to breastfeed two. I can't fathom packing two infant car seats. I can't imagine how many diapers we will go through every day.
But what really gets me wondering, it how can my heart even handle the love that I will have for these little guys. I think about all three of my children together and my heart melts already. I can't wait.


Naomi Campbell said...

Oh Hannah! You look amazing! What a special thing you have the opportunity to go through. Its extraordinary that women have the capability to do this. I know it must be hard but not every woman gets to do what you are doing. I love you so much and cannot wait to meet those boys!!!

Ryan Graham said...

I love the hair!! It is so cute!!