Sunday, June 26, 2011

Moment of Truth

So I guess I should actually put this in writing and admit that I am not a superhero (which I am sure you are all aware of)
About a week and a half ago, I went to the OB at 30 weeks and I was looking like my body was holding these little guys in well. I had no dilation, no contractions, cervix was long, everything was good.
So I spent that week doing a LOT. I was convinced I didn't need to take it easy because my body was the ironman of twin pregnancy.
Well then I had an appointment again on Friday (a week after the previous one.) During the routine non stress test, they were picking up contractions. When the OB checked, I was 1 cm dilated. I was then sent to the dreaded Labor and Delivery to be monitored. I envisioned myself a lot of places at 32 weeks pregnant with twins and Labor and Delivery was NOT one of them!
I had to be monitored for an hour and everything ended up looking good. Babies were happy on that monitor! And contractions went away on their own.
Because of the dilation, I was put on modified bedrest. "Bedrest": the one thing I was confident I would avoid. I am allowed to eat, use the bathroom and shower. Other than that, I am supposed to be laying down.
Even though this was on Friday, I have had a hard time admitting this to myself or anyone else.
I think the bedrest is precautionary and I really feel like we can still cook these little muffins for 5 or 6 more weeks.
So there it is, I said it, it's out in the open. I am on bedrest. I am not superwoman. I am not going to be able to prove wrong those that assumed I would be put on bedrest. And I am joining the ranks of the thousands of women who give birth to multiples and spent the last part of pregnancy resting.
My hats off to each of them.


Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog. I am 25 weeks pregnant with twin boys, I have 2 boys already 2 and a half and 16 months, bed rest scares me. Its nice being able to read some one elses expieriences.



Katie said...

Make sure you listen to your doctor and stay doing just that. I was put on bedrest with Parker at 28 weeks. I didn't listen as well as I should have and almost had him at 30 weeks and then was able to wait til 32 weeks. It's not any fun but, having them early is really not fun! So lay in bed, eat all you want and relax because once they are here you'll wish you could lay down. Hang in there Hannah! Not too much longer!

Diana said...

I hear you. I had bedrest with baby #3 at 32 weeks (born at 37), baby #4 at 30 weeks (born at 38). I minmized the frequency and intensity of those contraction patterns when talking with my new OB and baby #5. Started dilating and she was born by repeat (x5) csection at 36 weeks, though I'd been contracting for about a month. I also thought I could keep that last one in by white knuckling it.

Keep up the good work! You CAN do it! :)

Nicole said...

You are superwoman!!!! So great to see you guys yesterday!

Dawn said...

Darn! I'm sure that not an easy thing at all, especially with a cute little girl to chase around! Good luck with that and make sure you actually do take it easy!

Carin said...

Sorry Hannah!! I am not on bed rest, but having plenty of other pregnancy issues and not happy about any of them or very willing to admit to myself and others that I am not superwoman either! Ugh!! I have finally delegated dinner making and clean-up to some of the children. I always take a buddy grocery shopping. But bed rest is something I would struggle with also. Although, I have heard several stories from several general authorities express many spiritual moments they have had when they were laid up with health issues. Hang in there!! You can do it!

Sam Walker said...

Having been the expert at bedrest with Samson (15 weeks of bed rest to be exact....) let me just tell you that you'll get through it! And let me also recommend you have your hubby go to the library and get you a GREAT TV series to watch (for me that was Gilmore Girls) The time will fly much faster then just reading and sleeping all day. PS if you need help with Kayla we'd love to play with her! I could come get her anytime! I KNOW how stressful it is- don't be afraid to ask for help! Love YOU!

Emily said...

Good luck! You aren't missing too much at school! Good thing you are done precepting!