Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sick Day


(I took these photos about a week ago, before she was feeling sick)
Beautiful. But also crazy like her mommy and aunts. This one reminds me of my oldest sister, Rachel.

Today was a little different. Kayla hardly ever gets sick. And Today she was sick.
I was supposed to attend school all day but stayed home with my little fever-ridden four year old. She had no appetite, she didn't have a lot of energy and she drank a lot of juice.
My day was full of snuggles. A lot of "Mommy I just loooove you." And way too much TV. This allowed me to take a nice chunk out of my school work, between the snuggles and infrequent requests.

As I have stated in the past, I love this little girl. I can't imagine our lives without her smile and love. She is beautiful and sweet, yet stubborn and determined. I have a feeling she will become whatever she wants to become. This wild little spirited girl will surprise us all.

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