Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Little Nervous...

Leaving the doctor's office today was a little different.

I have had all sorts of confidence that the babies would eventually be in the right position for a normal delivery. Yet each appointment the babies would be in all sorts of funky position.
Today I am 35 and a half weeks and Baby A is breech, Baby B is transverse. Because the babies are already 6 lbs each, the specialist said the odds of them flipping this late is very slim.

So I went ahead and scheduled the C-section. August 3rd is the date.
If I go in and my some miracle baby A is in the head down position, they will induce instead. I have held out hope for a really long time. But it looks like I will be having my very first surgery ever.

I am nervous about it to say the least but I am more than grateful for the option. If I get my baby boys here safely that is the thing that really matters the most!


miriam said...

you'll do great han. hang in there and you will have those babies in no time!!

Carin said...

Way to go Hannah!! I can't wait to see them. And you will be fabulous!! We are scheduled for induction on Aug. we will be thinking and praying for you as we will be so close to doing similar things at a similar of luck and many, many blessings!! You can do it!!

Katie said...

Hannah you will be just fine! I managed a c-section with Brynn and you are so much stronger than I am. You will do awesome! I can't wait to see pictures of those little guys!!!!

Dip It In Chocolate said...

Big hugs to you. Miracles do happen, but either way you'll be fine. You are amazing!

(PS I know you're always talking about how big your tummy is, but I am still amazed that two babies fit in there. I swear I've seen people with only one in there that are bigger than you. You look great.)

Hale-O There said...

We are rooting for you Hannah! You'll be great in delivery and so happy when those healthy boys get here. Keep talking to them and hopefully they'll do some flips before August 3rd.