Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Window

I saw a commercial yesterday that made me cry. I know, how pathetic.
It was a Subaru commercial. A father was talking to his 5 year old daughter while she sat in the driver's seat ready to drive away. She had the keys and was buckled in. The father told his daughter the rundown, be careful, don't speed, ect. It panned back to the daughter who was suddenly 16 years old as she said "okay daddy, I love you."

I thought about Kayla.
It has been said that the eyes are the window to the soul. When I look in to her eyes I see so much. I see life, future, and success. But I always see my little girl and that will never change.
A few years from now, when we hesitantly hand her the car keys I will still see that bright little four year old, continually asking questions about life and the way things work.

Becoming a parent has truly taught me what it means to love unconditionally. Her inner beauty astounds me. Her inquisitiveness keeps me thinking. Her hugs and kisses give me strength to get through anything, literally. My first born, and always my first born. A love beyond words.

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