Tuesday, October 4, 2011

24 Hours

My Dad is in town from California for a week by himself. Therefore, we (siblings) have split custody of dad so everyone gets 24 hours to spend with him. The minute he rang my doorbell on Sunday afternoon, I knew that 24 hours would pass very quickly.
1. Went to the park and had a picnic with Kayla, the boys, Grandpa Ric, Sean and I
2. Took some photos
3. Made brownies with extra chocolate chips and M&Ms
4. Ate the brownies and talked with dad till 1:15 A.M.
5. Got up early and had brownies for breakfast. Kayla was in heaven.
6. Went on a walk/bike ride
7. Visited the Library. Grandpa Ric gained bonus points by sitting on the floor at the library, reading, and helping Kayla choose 10 books.
8. Went to "Mo Betta Steaks" and enjoyed lunch and a snow cone.
9. Came back home and talked for a few last moments.
10. Said goodbye. 24 hours here and gone.

My Dad is a great man. It is so heartwarming to see him with my kids. He carried Kayla in from the car when we got home from eating lunch. It reminded me of when I would fake sleep in the car so my dad would carry me in to the house. I loved being carried and snuggled. With 8 siblings sometimes faking sleep was merely survival of the fittest.
Having Dad by himself at my house was a unique opportunity. After 30 years knowing him, I felt that this visit I got to know him even more. The talks we had were fantastic. I was sad it had to end. My dad has been a great father to me. I am so grateful for him. The love I have for my family goes deep to the core of my being. I am a lucky lucky girl to have grown up in such a fun, happy, imperfect, and loving environment.

1 comment:

Solana said...

I love the 24 hour shifts! Such a sweet blog post. Love that the first pic shows all the men of the family!