Saturday, October 1, 2011


While getting the little guys ready for bed tonight it hit me.
I had an overwhelming sense of gratitude. I wonder what I could have possibly done to deserve these two little angels in my life. Can I raise them to be great men? To treat others kind.
I will do my very best, I promise.
They have been smiling and cooing. However, each time I am trying to get one to smile, Kayla intervenes and sticks her face right in the baby's with a loud "Smile for sissy baby bro bro, smiiiiile for big sister."
I cannot believe how quickly these two months have passed. I want to take every smile, every snuggle, every coo and lock it up in a box to keep forever. I know I will forget the little moments which is tragic to me. My heart is so full of happiness. I attempt to express my appreciation for my three children in prayer and the words just don't seem to come. Yet, He knows my heart, and my heart is overflowing with gratitude.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

I have moments like this every once and a while too.

Your boys are absolutely adorable.