Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Growing Family

This is my family. I still can't believe it. For 4 and a half years it was just the three of us and in a sudden turn of events, we are a family of 5! I mean that takes up a whole car.
I come from a large family. I am the third in a family of nine children. Often there was a new baby in the house. I would race home from school every day so I could hold the baby. I would hold and hold the baby of the family. I loved to change their cloth diapers, read them stories, carry them around, feed them, and mother them. There was nothing I wanted more in life than to have a big family of my own. Looking at these photos just make me so happy. I pinch myself to see if it's real. 3 awesome kids. When I see them, I am reminded of how good God is to me.


Solana said...

Aw, I love the pics and post!

Emily said...

Hey girl! I tried texting you so that Carter and I can come for a visit! Let me know when a good time is to come by!