Thursday, November 3, 2011

Perseverance Paid Off

It was June 2009 when I received the acceptance letter. Nursing school! At the time I was working full time as a court clerk and Kayla was only 2. Sean was in school full time. So we took a leap of faith. I quit my job and we lived on student loans. It was hard work. The first year was really tough and included a lot of studying and time. At the end of the LPN (first) year, I found out we were expecting. It was perfect. I would graduate and then a month later have a baby. No problem. Well, a few months later we found out we weren't expecting A baby, we were expecting TWO babies! This would put me at 37 weeks pregnant on graduation day. Did that make me nervous? Yes. Did I doubt I would finish? No. So I did my internship a little bit early but was in so much pain by the end of 12 hours I was in tears 80% of the time. But finished. By the time I was about 32 weeks I could hardly move. A sweet sweet woman who was one of my instructors proctored the rest of my tests at MY HOUSE! I know, she is an angel! At the end of July I finished all my nursing classes. But there were still a couple of computer classes that I needed to test out of. I called and received permission for a 6 week extension on them. When the babies were a month old, I spent a week going to school every day to take this series of tests. The last day I walked away from school feeling victorious. Finally, I had graduated.
It wasn't quite over at that point, however. I still had to take RN boards.
So Monday night I felt nervous because I had to leave at 7 AM the next morning to take the big test. And, of course, my perfect little sleepers happened to be up ALL NIGHT that night! After sleeping for a total of two hours, I headed down for the test. I felt like I was driving to prison.
And 48 hours later, here I am. I am a licensed RN.
The thing about me is, I don't give up. Ever.

And let it be on the record: Brody rolls over from his tummy to back. Has since Halloween. McKay is still working on it.

Here are a few Halloween photos:
 So you like Sean's hair? He says that he is "Hair Farming." He did cut it yesterday. I guess it is harvest season!


Melanye said...

You are INCREDIBLE! Congratulations!!

Lynnie said...

Ok, Hannah, I have to leave a message this time. I'm a friend of Sarah's in a round-a-bout-way and I've been drooling over your twins since I first found out about them. I'm about as crazy as you - I started RN school about 18 months ago when my little ones were just barely 6, 4 and 2. Now I can see the end of the road (6 more stinking months!) and am all the more awed when I read your blog, knowing what I know now about nursing school. I don't even know you and I'm so proud (and a little jealous!) of both the twins and the RN degree! I'll keep following you for more amazing feats i'm sure will coming in the future! Congrats again! Lynnie Genho (but it's been sorely neglected the past 18 months!)

LCO's said...

Oh Hannah, you amaze me! Congratulations!