Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy Holidays, Goodbye 2011


Ideally, for the year wrap up I would flood the blog with beautiful photos of my little munchkins and possibly even a family photo. But my current situation is such that I am unable to do so.
This year has brought more blessing than I could have ever imagined when 2011 started. When I wrapped up last year, I was barely starting the RN year and finishing with LPN. I had just found out I was pregnant and Kayla was hoping for a baby sister.
As the year progressed, the end of nursing school became practically visible. Right before Sean's birthday, we went in for a little ultrasound to see the baby. Lo and behold, there was not one but two. And life has never been the same.
Before I graduated, Sean started a new job in the interior design department of a well known furniture store. His coworkers and supervisors have nothing but great things to say about him. He loves to talk to people and can talk to anyone, a skill that does not go unnoticed.
We had our twins in August, Brody and McKay. They were healthy and born at 38 weeks. The first 3 months were a breeze. They were quiet and extremely relaxed. However, at about 4 months they figured out that whoever cried the loudest gets picked up first. Therefore, they compete and there can be quite a bit of crying in our house. Thank HEAVENS for my mother in law. She is an angel, and that's that. I never thought living with in-laws could be such a heaven send!
Kayla is as sassy and awesome as ever. She played soccer this year and enjoyed it, she has enough energy to run cars. She is still taking dance and is getting so much better. She loves ballet and totally rocked the last recital.
I got a RN job at a behavioral assessment facility for youth. I love the job because I really love kids that age (most people think I am crazy for it, but I really do love the kids I work with) I have been working all shifts but the graveyards kill me, I think they take years off my life.
So life is in sane but how blessed we are. Our family went from 3 to 5 this year which has been monumental. I feel badly there are thank you notes that I may never write and blog posts that may never make it to writing but we are happy. My family is beautiful in so many ways.
We look forward to 2012 with optimism and excitement. Kindergarten, more college, and twin adventures are all happily anticipated coming events.
Happy Holidays to all our friends and family out there. We love you!

1 comment:

The Scarths said...

We are blessed as well! I love these little ones, and to read about yours brightens my day immeasurably.