Monday, November 22, 2010

Still Good

Kayla turned 4! I can't believe this little bug is growing so fast. Since she turned 3, she has grown 3 and a half inches. She is the light of our lives.

I had a thought yesterday:
I realized how thankful I am for all the good things that are left in this world.
Good people.
Good teachers.
Good parents that love their children.
People who give service to others.
People who genuinely love others, without judgment.
People who really love our Mother earth.

With all that is wrong with our whirlwind of international heartache, there is still so much good in this world.
So much good.


Walker Fam said...

Hannah- I found your blog! YAY! this is Brighton. And I invited you today to our blog so check it out! Also email me your address so I can send you a christmas card! my email is

Melanye said...

What a beautiful photo!! And beautiful girl!! Happy Birthday sweet Kayla.