Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Christmas Card

(I do realize I have posted this photo before, sorry)

Christmas is in the air.... sort of.
Despite the fact there is not a flake of snow to be found, that season is well upon us.
What a fantastic year this has been. Full of school, change, and work, work, work.
I recently finished my first year of nursing school and I am taking LPN boards in a few days. In July I will be finishing the RN year and I am thrilled! I started cycling this year and I love it. Something I hope will stay with me forever.
Sean is a hard working student. He had a successful school year with good grades and a whole lot of support and teamwork with his student nurse wife (he deserves a metal.... seriously). He looks forward to finishing school soon and there is finally an end in sight!
Kayla grew 3 and 1/2 inches this year. She is so smart and yearns to absorb information and grow. She is a girl after my own heart with her love of learning. She loves art, singing, playing and deep, philosophical conversations (as deep as you can get with a 4 year old:) She is a ball of energy. We love her so much and have had a great year getting to know her better.
Even though this year has been busy, we have not forgotten those who mean so much to us. Our friends and family. Seems like life gets so crazy for us that we have no time to catch up but we want you all to know how much we love you and think of you often.
Merry Christmas

Love, Our little family


Dawn said...

Merry Christmas to you and your cute family! I love your picture! Enjoy your break from school! Hopefully we can get together sometime when I'm in Utah. Or if you ever come to Vegas...

miriam said...

Great summation of your year Han. Kayla growing three inches is symbolic of how much a family can grow in so little time. Love you guys.

The Grahams said...


Emily said...

Good luck on boards! See you soon!

Miriam Hone said...

A typical Utah Christmas photo these days... meaning that there is no snow on the ground.