Sunday, January 2, 2011

Big Sister

Kayla has been telling the whole world around her, for the past year and a half that her mommy is going to have a baby.
Many times I have had to explain Kayla's imaginary friend, the embryo.
Almost every night Kayla would ask if there was a baby in my tummy just like her aunt's.
I would have to look at those sweet blue eyes and tell her "not yet honey, but don't worry, you'll be a big sister one day."
Kayla would pray to be a big sister, pretend to be a big sister, and want to save all her clothes she grew out of for her "little sister."

Finally it happened.
On December 13th we snuggled Kayla together and told her we had a secret.
There is a REAL baby in mommy's tummy.
Kayla's reaction was fantastic.
Her whole face lit up.
She put both hands over her mouth as if to keep her whole soul from exploding.
All she could do was squeal.
Her whole face was smiling. It was one of the happiest moments of my life.
I always wanted my children to be close in age. However, I think this type of reaction could only come from a girl who is old enough to grasp at least a fraction of what is about to happen.

Baby number 2..... see you in August.... we can hardly wait.


Melanye said...

What a sweet experience - I must say my eyes are a bit teary! So special! Congrats again, I'm so happy for you and your family!!!

Michele said...

how exciting! congrats you guys. so cute kayla is so excited.

Sarie said...

This makes me cry! It has been such a long time coming, and I know it's a dream come true for you!!! Yay for baby number 2!!!!!

Hannah said...

Congratulations! I am seriously so excited for you!!! :)

miriam said...

That really touched me. What a special girl. How special for all you guys.
I wanted to tell you too that Sean is going to be such a great dad. The way he looks at Jade, he remembers the way Kayla was when she was a baby. It's going to happen all over again.

Dawn said...

Yay Hannah! I'm so happy for you guys! Kayla will be such a wonderful big sister!

The Vickrey's said...

Congrats!!!Yah....kiddos are so much fun!Miss you guys and love you all!

Emily said...

I am so excited for you guys! What a great graduation present!! Can't wait to find out what the little peanut is...

Hale-O There said...

That is so exciting! What a great memory for kayla. Keep us posted when you find out what the babe is!

Laynie said...

Yea! I'm so excited for you guys :)

Kelsey Marchi said...

Congrats Hannah Banana! So happy for you and your family!!

The Walkers said...

Wahoo!!! LOVED this post. I could picture Kayla's reaction perfectly through your description. Congratulations!! Hope your pregnancy is smooth sailing.

LCO's said...

I'm so excited for you! You guys deserve this and cute Kayla will be such a sweet sister. Life is slowly moving on, it gives me some hope!

LuCDay said...

That is so awesome! Congrats Hannah!!!

Ashley said...

Congrats! I am so excited you!