Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Day and Sweet Baby Finn

(Here is a photo of my sweet baby nephew, Finn I took when he was just a few days old. I am not gonna lie, looking at this photo makes me soooo excited for my babies to get here, as soon as they are done cooking of course!)

Today was just really fantastic. Not for any particular reason.
I went to school, didn't pass my test, didn't throw up once, and talked to some really great classmates.
When I got home, I helped Sean out with a little studying (meaning, I pretend like I am listening while he states the concepts on his test, sorry honey) Then sent him off to class with a kiss.
Kayla then snuggled in my the bed with me and watched "Up" while I dozed and then cried over the movie.
After that, Kayla and I made a mean chicken and veggie stir fry with rice.
We played with Playdough.
We went outside so Kayla could ride her bike for the first time this season.
We did prenatal yoga together.
And now, I am blogging.
Sean is upstairs with Kayla.
It's almost 9 and she isn't in bed.
I better take care of that.
Until next time....

1 comment:

Sarie said...

I love your blog posts. Keep them coming!!