Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Soon I will be closing my day with a prayer of thanks and the attempt to get comfortable.
This is a day of significance. I have graduated nursing school. Tests, clinicals, papers, and so forth. It's done. All done.
I am also fast approaching that day I had mentioned a while ago. August 3rd. That is one week from today.
For the last two and a half days I have had contractions about 2-5 minutes apart. Hard ones. You know, the kind that you have when you are in labor. Yet no babies still. Who knows, maybe I will have regular contractions right up until next Wednesday but, then again, maybe I will have these babies sooner.
Current state of being: happy, relieved, nervous, hopeful, and excited. Oh and I have a whole cage of butterflies in my stomach!

Let it be recorded: 36 weeks and 3 days. And yes, there will be a final belly photo posted before they come. Unless they come tonight....hope not, yikes!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Yay Hannah! I can't believe you made it this far! And I'm so excited for you to have finished nursing school! Can't wait to see pictures of those cute babes!