Thursday, November 5, 2015

Time Passes Quickly

Oh my, hurry before we surpass a year without a single post! What a year. Where do I start? How about a list:

1. Sean graduated and after applying to a few graduate programs, he is now attending graduate school at Columbia University in New York.
2. We sold our house, left everything behind and moved to the East Coast.
3. Because graduate school is so time consuming, I am staying home with the kids! For the first time in my life!
4. I love being a stay at home mom. A lot.
5. The twins start Kindergarten next year.
6. Kayla is thriving in her new school.
7. I love New England in the Fall
8. New York City is awesome, it will take us years to see everything.
9. That's it in a nutshell.

So now that I have brought the blog up to speed, I am okay for another year! But really, just yesterday I began to realize that I completely forgot about all the funny things Kayla used to say. I thought I would never forget. However, I recorded them on this blog! So I have priceless records of all the things that made me laugh and cry as the kids grow. So, because I cannot let this time pass me by, here is the conversation that McKay had with the speech pathologist last week:

SLP: McKay, are you a boy or a girl?
McKay: I McKay.

SLP: McKay, if there was a fly in your house what should you do?
McKay: Cut it (with a slicing motion).

Ha, analyze me that one!


Melanye said...

WOW Hannah!! You've had a huge year! I hope you keep posting so I can see all your adventures in New York!

miriam said...

Lol. "I mckay" like that just describes anything about him that you need to know. Cut and dry.